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Corrections necessary for next usage of photos
– for commercial purposes

At your request we will make these post-produce alternations:

  1. Removing skin imperfection
  2. Visual sliming
  3. Correction of exposition and colour scheme of photos
  4. Wrinkles reduction and face lifting
  5. Removing of slight imperfection of the shape of your face
  6. Teeth whitening
  7. Adjusting/changing of photographic background
  8. Montage + next photographic correction
According to your requests we make sets of cards, books, your own web-pages, we can design a logo or corporate design for your company.

Then we make posters, advertising brochures and other promotion materials (banners, billboards etc.)

At any circumstances we try to satisfy the wishes and needs of our customers., photo & modelling agency Prague, created by pidzej & kubulus
Before postproduction... ... after postproduction!

Vojtěch Vlk

Gita Skaličková

modelingová agentura

fotografická agentura


Profesionální fotograf, fotografická agentura, modelingová agentura, vogi, modeling, umělecký fotograf, Praha, fotostudio, fotoatelier,fotografie, fotoreportáž, fotobanka, portréty foto, foto free, fotografie modelky, fotomodeling, modelingová agentura, digitální fotografie, fotografie svatební, portrétní, reklamní a módní fotografie, booky a fototesty pro modelky, lifestyle a celebrity, produktová fotografie, fashion, glamour,, Vojtěch Vlk, Gita Skaličková