Who are we?
VOGI is the association of photographers, who specialize in portrait and modelling photography. We have a multiyear experience in taking pictures of either famous people or beginning models, who also want to get to show business and to show their young potential.
A big advantage is the internet server, which is sited on our web-pages; everybody has the chance to register for free there and to show his/her own photos. It is the easiest way how to draw attention to oneself and how to find potential partners to cooperate.
We are not looking for only young slim beautiful people; we prefer originality, courage, and extraordinary look.
Come to us to have a look and to try how it works. We will help you to get rid of tense and anxiety about the unknown and we will give you the opportunity to participate and to realize your ideas. The truth is that those, who don’t do anything, won’t spoil anything. On the other hand those, who don’t try to do anything, won’t achieve anything. This is the unique opportunity for people, who want to realize their dreams and to become special.
The illustration of our work is also on
vogi.eu, photo & modelling agency Prague, created by pidzej & kubulus